It's time to put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
That's my new saying I picked up in Galviston. And it is definently appropriate. I'm really having to kick it in gear. I'm studing till my eyes cross.I am aware that there are hurricanes and wars and babies being born.But I can't take time to morn or rejoice. I feel terrilbe about it but... I'm gonna put on my big panties and deal with it.I may not be posting much till I get this stuff done. I feel myself getting smarter by the Untill later hug hug kiss kiss.
At 6:11 AM,
sandegaye said…
I love that saying!
My sister used to always say she was 'putting on her dancing panties' & going out on the town.
I may have to adapt that to my own life.
Good luck w/ all the studying!
At 10:15 AM,
... said…
Best of luck with your studies! Don't let your eyes cross too much, take a break to breath and relax every now and again.
We'll be thinkin' of you!
At 5:44 PM,
Meg said…
I'm so glad you're back! I've missed your comments and reading you daily life. Family is the coolest!
And although I've never had children, I can appreciate how hard it is for you to buckle down now and how strong you are to actually be doing it.
At 9:04 AM,
MomThatsNuts said…
Study Schmudy!! Oh yeah, thats what I should be doing....grrr thanks for reminding me....
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