Bloggers block
I know I haven't been posting much lately but I just don't know what to write about sometimes. There is so much going on and yet nothing.But I was feeling very guilty about not postings so I thought I'd throw something out there.
I have started working on my walking sticks again. I love it! The weather has been awesome for working outside and walking in the woods. I have found some great stuff to work with.
My hubby is finding things to do too. He's been working on the shop this weekend,I think it does him good.
We went up to Aunt Margies for pizza this afternoon. It was nice sitting around talking and enjoying the fine weather we've been having.Thanks Aunt Margie!!!!
Well it is way past my bedtime, I've been getting caught up on everyones blogs and now I'm about crosseyed. I hope everyone has a good week. And maybe I'll get over this blockage and find something to write about. Hug Hug Kiss kiss
I have started working on my walking sticks again. I love it! The weather has been awesome for working outside and walking in the woods. I have found some great stuff to work with.
My hubby is finding things to do too. He's been working on the shop this weekend,I think it does him good.
We went up to Aunt Margies for pizza this afternoon. It was nice sitting around talking and enjoying the fine weather we've been having.Thanks Aunt Margie!!!!
Well it is way past my bedtime, I've been getting caught up on everyones blogs and now I'm about crosseyed. I hope everyone has a good week. And maybe I'll get over this blockage and find something to write about. Hug Hug Kiss kiss
At 7:55 AM, sandegaye said…
Just knowing you're there & doing well, is all we need to hear!
Happy Monday!
At 9:03 AM, ... said…
Mmmmm, pizza! :)
Nice to hear from you, Hippi! Enjoy your week.
At 2:23 PM, Pirate said…
Just putting anything down often unclogs the block or maybe a word accupuncturist is needed.
Peace and tomorrow may bring many of things for your post.
At 9:38 AM, Unknown said…
There is something called "blog depression"..and it's real. You just get to the point where you don't really want to post..don't even want to thing about posting...well shuger..don't worry about just go on doing what makes you feel good .. taking in the good vibes of your surroundings and soon..there will be words you'll want to share with us...and when it happens!
and much laughter to you and yours!
God Bless
At 7:21 AM, Hippie girl said…
You guys are just sooooo sweet.How can a person not love you guys.I feel all warm and fuzzy!!!!!!
At 3:29 PM, Avery's mom said…
glad to hear you are good
happy to hear you are well
At 7:55 AM, Kim said…
sometimes a little break is the best thing for your blog... Enjoy!
At 12:11 PM, thewriterslife said…
Good to see you back! I love visiting your blog...keep up the good work and post often!
At 11:48 PM, dc said…
What you want us to beg you to get in gear and blog? Well come on girl, I know you have lots of stuff to share. Take care. How are you feeling dc
At 10:57 PM, Rama Msangi said…
that's what we were all waiting to hear from you, i wish i could vist you but am too far from you Hippi! God bless you
At 7:16 AM, BTExpress said…
You say, "...I just don't know what to write about sometimes." Well, didn't you just write about something? Something, mind you, that is near and dear to my heart? PIZZA!!! I love pizza!!!! What kind was it and was it home made? We used to make homemade pizza at my friend Gary's when we were teens.
Wait, that gives me an idea for another story, thanks.
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