Good morning, I'm sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee trying to come up with something to write about and not finding much. My life is has slowed down so much I fear it might even be boring. I have never been accused of being boring.I use to surround myself with people and activity.Constantly on the run.In the middle of some drama or another.Taking on way to much and spreading myself way to thin.Now it's just the opposite .I don't really miss the drama but I do miss being involed in stuff.I don't have very many friends around here and I haven't been driving for a while. I live in the country so I don't get around much and now I'm starting to get that itch.Maybe because I getting my license back soon.
Boredom can be dangerous for me. When I was doing drugs I was never bored and I had lots of friends . Well as long as there were drugs there were friends. And keeping up drug habit kept a person busy.So I guess I'm just trying to identify why I'm feeling buggy.I really had no idea when I started out writting where this would go but here it is. I'm coming up on a year without Meth and that's what is making me feel weird. I think I need to meet some people and do something to keep myself out of trouble.I haven't been to any meetings around here so I guess that might be a place to start.
I normally don't share much on this subject but I felt the need to try and figure out why I was feeling the way I do.Sometimes I think if I don't talk about it it will go away or it doesn't exist . Not true .I have to remind myself were I came from and remember I don't want to go back there.
So now that I know why I'm feeling this way I can do something about it. Thanks for your support.
Boredom can be dangerous for me. When I was doing drugs I was never bored and I had lots of friends . Well as long as there were drugs there were friends. And keeping up drug habit kept a person busy.So I guess I'm just trying to identify why I'm feeling buggy.I really had no idea when I started out writting where this would go but here it is. I'm coming up on a year without Meth and that's what is making me feel weird. I think I need to meet some people and do something to keep myself out of trouble.I haven't been to any meetings around here so I guess that might be a place to start.
I normally don't share much on this subject but I felt the need to try and figure out why I was feeling the way I do.Sometimes I think if I don't talk about it it will go away or it doesn't exist . Not true .I have to remind myself were I came from and remember I don't want to go back there.
So now that I know why I'm feeling this way I can do something about it. Thanks for your support.
At 11:03 AM,
Calvin said…
i am going through a similar phase too now.. ever since i quit pot (i know, its not that big a drug issue as meth is).
am in grad school now.. and i almost never carry work home. so these days i find my evenings feeling quite empty.. and i really wonder why i am so bored.. cos when i'd get back from college and get stoned.. i would always find stuff to do! even if it meant completely useless things like sitting on the porch and watching people go by!
am starting to rediscover my life now.. and things i liked doing before.. reading, sport.. and it really helps to know that there are other people out there going through similar things! thank you, and take care :-)
At 1:32 PM,
dc said…
Hey, girl, hang in there, I won't insult you by saying I know how you feeling, because I don't, but I can offer my support and let you know I am proud of your success. I think we all struggle with problems and it is just part of living life as we know it now. There are lessons we need to learn and karma we need to balance. Dang you don't want to do this in another life do you? Take care. This is a good place to blow off steam and share. I think you know we are all there for you. Maybe you never really had that before. How supportive is that new hubby? I have a feeling he is one of the factors of you cleaning things up right?
At 1:41 PM,
dc said…
While you are having "down" time on your hands, why don't you start a journal on your computer, just for you. To express your feelings and your journey so far thru life. I started one about a year ago, trying to recall everything I could remember of my life, started out with my first memories. I got up to about age 10 and haven't been back to it. But it is there and I do plan to start adding some entries. I guess after age 10 there are more things to remember and we moved around so much. Take care dc
At 1:49 PM,
Last Girl On Earth said…
Congrats on your time without drugs. I'm not against drugs, but if you are happier and healthier without them, than I say.... GO GIRL!!!!
Came over to meet a new "sister-friend". Come on by when you get a chance!
At 3:20 PM,
... said…
Hope getting this down in writing helps a bit, HippiGirl! I know sometimes just verbalizing what I'm feeling helps me to start feeling better.
At 3:27 PM,
sandegaye said…
You are loved & accepted 'just as you are'.
When I get moved to TN.. you're going to have to take a drive over to visit me & Julie.. we'll camp out & have a ball.
Friends will keep you going..
At 4:04 PM,
Hippie girl said…
I'm overwhelmed with the responds you all have given me.I love you guys.Like I said I didn't know where I was going with it when I started writting but I did feel better after writting.You guys are too cool.
At 4:08 PM,
Meg said…
And don't think that it will go away if you don't talk about it (I know you don't), and most importantly, don't wish that were so, because it is the trials and adventures, mistakes and foibles we all go through who make us what we are today and I think you're a fabulous person! Stronger by far, I'm sure, than you were a year ago. Always something to cheer about.
At 4:09 PM,
Hippie girl said…
Hey K did you want me to interveiw you or haydelman???? I tried getting to your blog but couldn/t. let me know.
At 7:46 PM,
Avery's mom said…
great post hipppigirl!
my life has slowed down too in alot of the same ways (plus being pregnant means you stay off of your feet and inside alot more) I always felt that I never knew boredom, but now watching my tummy grow is getting to be old, I gotta find some new hobbies too.
good work on staying clean, it's not an easy thing to adjust to. your mind kinda has to get back into gear with out the 'help' and sometimes it feels like we're choking or slowing down.
keep your chin up and know that your a beautiful person, and you have so much to show love and kindness too in this big universe.
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